Japanese Cabbage Pancakes
Recipe by FoodChain & photography by Talitha Schroeder
Ponzu dipping sauce
¼ cup lemon/lime/orange juice (can do one, the other, or all three!)
1 Tbsp sugar or sweetener of choice to taste (honey, syrup, stevia, splenda etc)
2 Tbsp (packets) soy sauce
¼ cup water
1 cup grated cabbage
½ cup grated sweet potato
¼ cup grated carrot
¼ cup finely diced onion
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
¾ cup any just-add-water pancake mix
½ cup water
¼ cup oil
Prepare the ponzu sauce ahead of time: juice citrus, strain the juice, then combine soy sauce, sweetener, water and juice in a bowl. Whisk together until the sweetener is fully dissolved. Set aside for serving.
In a bowl combine all the veggies and salt and pepper. Mix together with your hands or a fork.
Add the pancake mix and toss to coat, then add water until a thick batter forms around the veggies.
In a frying pan, heat up 2 tablespoons of frying oil on medium. Careful to not let the oil get smoking hot before adding the batter or you will burn the flour before cooking the veggies. Do not add batter until the oil is preheated though (moves swiftly in the pan when tilted and can feel heat when you hover your hand two inches away from the surface), as cold oil will make the pancakes stick and fall apart.
5. Make pancakes with ¼ cup of batter, 3-4 at a time, don’t crowd the pan! Flatten the pancakes out so they’re no more than about 1 inch thick.
6. Watch the edges of the pancakes and when they are dark brown, use a flat spatula to carefully flip the pancake (away from you!) and cook the other side until golden brown.
7. Allow to drain on a paper towel, then cut into wedges and enjoy with ponzu sauce!
Other additions: pickled stuff! Chop up pickles, pickled onions, pickled ginger, pickled other stuff, literally anything pickled will taste good on top! Drizzle of mayonnaise, hoisin sauce, fruit and vegetable sauce or there is a traditional okonomiyaki sauce! Bonito flakes or bacon bits! Often okonomiyaki is prepared with pork belly fried into the pancake. Also if you have green onions to chop and add to the top that is always tasty!
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