Sip and Roost with Judy Jones

Judith Hollis Jones has come home to roost.  After a career as a senior executive working with global food and beverage brands, where she applied her expertise to research and development, quality control and supply-chain management; Judy landed in the sweetest of spots.  

In her new role as president and CEO of Buzzard’s Roost Spirits, Judy has upended the world of whiskey by adopting new techniques for crafting award-winning whiskeys.  She and her Buzzard’s Roost partner Jason Brauner dove deeply into research conducted by the Independent Stave Company to develop a process they sum up as “innovation within the bounds of tradition.”   

All Buzzard’s Roost whiskeys start at the same place – sourcing and procuring high quality bourbons and ryes.  Then the magic begins, explained by Judy.

 It is accepted that at least 70% of the flavor of whiskey comes from the barrel. With good whiskey in our possession, we work to develop proprietary barrels which allow us to develop the flavor in that whiskey even more. Our barrels target specific extractives in the oak to bring out flavors. The magic is in the oak. By toasting and charring the oak to very particular criteria, we can coax out flavors that are just exceptional. 

Last fall, Chef Ouita Michel and our culinary team traveled to Bardstown to make a barrel selection for our restaurants and the Thirsty Fox Bourbon Club.  Bottles of Ouita’s Buzzard’s Roost Barrel Pick Bourbon are now on the shelves at The Thirsty Fox, Honeywood and Holly Hill Inn, and featured in classic cocktails like the Manhattan and Old-fashioned.  Judy shared these notes for those who’d like to taste it au naturel

Ouita’s barrel selection is one of the best single barrel bourbons. The nose is sweet and entices one to enjoy the aroma, but leads you to anticipate a taste. The front is warm and sweet with vanilla and caramel. The bourbon has the body to coat the mid-palate and release compelling baking spice flavors. The finish is spicy but warm with a good Kentucky hug.

It is high proof, so many will want to add a few drops of water and experience the “opening” of new flavors with that addition.

Judy’s own first taste of bourbon, at the age of twelve, was in a glass of homemade boiled custard. To this day, she still loves boiled custard although, as she says, her mother and Aunt Pauline made the very best.

During her childhood in western Kentucky, Judy’s parents –  a successful business couple – frequently hosted parties for local dignitaries, as well as a much anticipated annual country ham breakfast.  Looking back on it now, Judy thinks those hams were likely cured by the legendary Broadbent family in Kuttawa, Ky.

My Mother had wonderful gatherings for family, friends and community leaders. I loved the plethora of food, the flowers, and all the lively conversation. As the baby of my family, with a much older brother, I was allowed at the “adult” table at a very young age. I loved all the silver, china, and crystal. The beauty of the table, the aroma of the food, its beautiful presentation –  it all just thrilled me at an early age and still does.

Those dinner parties may well have set the stage for Judy’s own career in the hospitality business and her lifelong love of food and fine wine.  Certainly the spirit of conviviality and community she grew up with informed her involvement in Les Dames d’Escoffier just as the Louisville chapter was organizing.   

Les Dames d’Escoffier (LDEI) is an international philanthropic sisterhood of women in the hospitality business, which strives to inspire, advance and support women in the fields of hospitality, food and beverage.

The formation of Louisville’s LDEI chapter coincided with Judy’s return to Louisville upon taking an early retirement.  She says she met her first new friends there; she loved the events so much she wanted to “give back with service instead of just soaking up the benefits”, and went on to serve in state and international leadership.  

Which is how she and Ouita eventually connected. 

Judy is an inspirational person, following her dream of building her own bourbon brand. She led the Kentucky Chapter of Les Dames d'Escoffier for several years – supporting, inspiring and championing women in hospitality from around the Commonwealth. Her friendship has meant the world to me and I love being able to support her delicious bourbon in our restaurants.

Although Ouita’s barrel pick is only available in our Holly Hill restaurants, Buzzard’s Roost spirits can be found in at least eleven states and one Canadian province, in both retail and restaurant locations.  And Louisville visitors will soon be able to duck into the Buzzard’s Roost Whiskey Row Experience, complete with a micro-distillery, tasting rooms, bar, retail and event spaces; and programming developed by well-known authors and bourbon aficionados Susan Reigler and Heather “Cocktail Contessa” Wibbels.  

Once you’ve ducked in, don’t be in a hurry to leave.  Judy made that abundantly clear.  

We just can’t wait to open and enjoy our guests.  Come see us and we’ll “Sip and Roost Awhile.”


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