Spring Greens Soup
Here’s a tasty soup for early spring! Feel free to change up the greens, even swapping in some foraged ones like nettles, watercress, young dandelion leaves and wild garlic. Delicious garnished with cheese, toasted croutons, or crispy bits of chorizo or bacon. If you come up short on greens, double the potato. It’ll still be delicious!
• 4 T butter
• 1 cup diced onion (about one medium)
• 1 medium potato, peeled and diced, preferably an Idaho russet or Yukon Gold
• 2 cups hot chicken stock, vegetable stock or water
• 1 ½ to 2 cups hot milk, preferably whole milk or a combination of whole milk and heavy cream
• Up to 9 oz. slivered sorrel, or a combination of other tender young greens, like baby spinach, wild or not.
Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan or Dutch oven and when it starts to foam, add the onion and potato.
Salt and pepper generously. Cover and cook over low heat until the vegetables are soft but not colored, about 10 minutes.
Add the hot stock and milk, bring to a low boil and cook until the vegetables are completely cooked.
Add the sorrel and cool slightly before carefully puréeing in a blender or in the pot with an immersion blender. Taste and correct the seasoning and reheat very carefully if necessary. Too much heat will ruin the fresh green color.
*If using greens other than sorrel, boil them for a few minutes until just cooked through before pureeing.
Serve garnished with crispy bits of bacon or chorizo or cheddar cheese or toasted croutons and tiny edible blossoms if available.
Serves four.
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Stock Tidbits
Our January Pantry Challenge taught us the value of using up every scrap and making stock is a great way to do so. At Holly Hill Inn, a giant stock pot simmers all night long and its savory aromas greet us first thing in the morning.
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