Bouquet Garni Mug


“Harmonious design and colors. Makes every cup of coffee better!”

Robert, California

We think our Bouquet Garni Mug is just about perfect. It holds plenty of the brew of your choice, looks great on your desk or kitchen table, and is handcrafted in Kentucky. 

Each beautifully glazed mug features an impression of our distinctive bouquet garni. Parsley for comfort and healing; sage for wisdom and the knowledge to do the right thing; rosemary for remembrance, fidelity, and love; and thyme for strength and courage.

These essential herbs symbolize our hopes and dreams.

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Approximately 14 oz. capacity

Handcrafted by Rickman Pottery in Bowling Green, Ky.

Microwave, dishwasher and oven safe

A gift note may be included; instructions provided at checkout

Please allow four to five business days for shipping and delivery

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