Bouquet Garni Apron


Ouita’s dream apron was brought to life by the Anchal Project, a Louisville, Ky.-based non-profit which provides employment opportunities to women through training programs in India and Kentucky.

This durable and comfy apron is equipped with strings long enough to tie in the front and multiple pockets, including a chef’s pocket embroidered with our beautiful bouquet garni.

Designed in Kentucky and hand-stitched in India by female artisans, our Bouquet Garni Apron is now Chef Ouita’s go-to kitchen accessory.

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Fair Trade certified

100% GOTS certified organic cotton

Adjustable neck strap

One size fits almost all

Handmade in India 

Each apron individually signed by the maker

A gift note may be included; instructions provided at checkout

Please allow four to five business days for shipping and delivery

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